The Foundation for a Meaningful Life
Kindergarten - Grade 9 in Southborough, MA

News Detail - Magazine

Signing Lesson

Building on their study of the five senses, Kindergarten students have been learning what people do when one of those senses is impaired with Fay’s Speech and Language Specialist Jill Cordon. Recently, Jill introduced Kindergarteners to Northeastern student Kelty Kober, a speech pathology student who lost her hearing at age five. Kelty showed students her cochlear implant, explained how it works, and students had the opportunity to ask her questions. The Kindergarten students were fascinated to learn that Kelty supports her implant by lipreading and to discover that there are times when her implant doesn’t work, such as when she goes swimming. The presentation helped students develop an awareness of how Kelty might interact differently with the world.
Jill has also been teaching Kindergarteners about American Sign Language and how the hearing impaired use ASL to communicate. Jill taught students the song “What I Am” by They also learned some choreographed dance moves to accompany the song and how to sign some of the keywords in the song, such as “strong,” “brave,” “kind,” and “musical.” At Morning Meeting on April 7, the Kindergarten students shared a presentation about American Sign language and their visit with Kelty Kober. Afterward, they sang, danced, and signed the song and taught the Primary School students and faculty how to sign along with them! They finished the presentation by teaching students how to sign “I go to Fay School.”
Kindergarten students meet with Jill once a rotation to do language enrichment activities such as vocabulary development, phonetic awareness, and social pragmatics like making eye contact when speaking with someone and how body language shows that you are listening. Like the focus on ASL, Jill’s lessons connect to the curriculum and enable the students to integrate new content and ideas into the work they are doing in class and also extend their thinking beyond the classroom. 

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